Archives of Community

Supper. It’s what’s for dinner.

Which words that you have collected throughout your life are words that matter to you? Dialect delights me. I love hearing people with a distinct way of talking speak, love listening to their vocabulary, feeling the cadence of the rhythms of their words and understanding the patterns with which they use them. I am fascinated […]

What does your hometown smell like?

We saw a social media meme and naturally took it way to far. We asked our daily email readers, “If your hometown was a scented candle, what would it smell like?” Let’s burn this mother down.  You all answered and now we are this close to pulling the trigger and launching a chandlery. Until then, […]

What good shall I do this day?

It doesn’t cost a dime to volunteer in your community and the returns are immeasurable to both you and your neighbors. Bonus: it feels great. We’ve started this list of opportunities to help you take action, connect to your community and get your do-good on. Know an organization, initiative or movement that needs to be […]